About us

In one of the eldest homes in the center of Loon op Zand, lives hostess Mart Emmen together with her partner Arno Goedhart and her children Jop and Pleun. There has been realized a cozy B&B in the former barn after a renovation of two years.

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To have ‘something’ for herself was a children’s dream of Mart. She was thinking about a nice tearoom where homemade apple-pie is served, a little, cozy restaurant or another small enterprise where she could welcome and treat people on her hospitality and creative cooking experiences.

Mart’s dream has been translated in a lovely shelter for her guests. In September 2012
Bed and Breakfast de Giechelaar opened her authentic doors. The grand opening took place during a well-known event in the village of Loon op Zand: ‘de Cultuurroute’, where local providers of culture opened their ‘atelier’doors for culture-lovers.

With de Giechelaar we endeavor a national but also comfortable concept. Our location is a beautiful base for people who love nature and culture, the ‘Brabantse’ geniality and the Burgundian mentality. One of our most important objectives is to make people feel welcome with us.